5 Reasons Fitness Is Important In Dating And Relationships

5 Reasons Fitness Is Important In Dating And Relationships

Dating through apps can be an overwhelming resource for a lot of singles when searching for a partner to enjoy life with. But when you know that the faces you are searching share a similar or common priority, it can make the search a little easier. In 2007 I ventured into the online dating space, way back when Yahoo personals and other web based platforms ruled the world and niche dating sites were becoming increasingly popular.  One thing I noticed was that the sites and now apps that had the highest success rate for meeting someone with comment interests and value were the niche communities. With a passion for health & fitness and realizing that in my own marriage these are key elements to our happiness, the idea of Datefit increasingly began to make more sense.  Let’s break it down even further…

Your Priorities Match Up
It is important for those in a relationship to have similar lifestyle priorities. For example, if his or her priority is to lie on the couch all weekend, and yours is to be outside doing something active, there might be a problem. When you already know that you and a potential partner have similar priorities with regards to lifestyle and health, it sets you up for a win.

Since my wife (Stacey) and I started dating in the early 2000’s we’ve really built our relationship around healthy living and most of our most meaningful activities together are geared toward being active.  Walking, hiking, canoeing and going to the gym together are just a few ways we bond. Although we spend gym time doing our workouts separately, it’s the time we spend becoming the best version of ourselves and making that a priority is what counts the most.  Now that we are married with small children all of those priorities spill over into our relationship with them and the things we do as a family.  Walks, bike rides, rafting are all activities that we share together are the foundation of having a happy & healthy family life.

Keeps Things Fresh
When two people in a relationship are active and fitness minded, they can find new activities to do together. This contributes greatly to keeping the relationship from getting boring. Plus, it has been proven that experiencing something new together activates adrenaline and releases endorphins, creating memories and deepening a couple’s bond.

Pushes You to Be Your Best
I have always believed that a relationship is a vehicle in which people can grow to become their best selves. Lots of times, this is through pain, such as becoming aware of, and healing, our emotional triggers and vulnerabilities. But it can also be through active things. And personally, I have always wanted a partner who would push me to be the best me.

Makes You More Attractive to Your Partner
Studies show that couples feel more in love and satisfied with their relationships after doing a physical activity together. Also, the physiological effect of the activity increases your attractiveness to your partner... score!

Deepens Your Bond and Creates a Unified Team
There is power in making a commitment and working together for a common goal, like competing as a couple, running a race, shedding some pounds etc., and achieving it. It not only deepens the trust and connection between partners, it’s also pretty darn sexy to see your partner set a goal and work to nail it, just as it is sexy to your partner to see you do the same.

This sums up why we created Datefit.  My passion is connecting people and especially helping them find love. I encourage you, if you’re single, to check out Datefit and tell your single friends about it as well.  For all of your married folks I hope you can find inspiration in what we are doing and live the healthiest life you can with your partner.  

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